That’s the belief of some volunteers and contractors who are tackling the huge project after security

Footage snatched from a camera

A member of the Palace Guard, who asked not to be named, said the footage was taken in the early hours of both Tuesday and Wednesday last week – at exactly 3.14am.
The guard said: “We have put security cameras

“It’s set so if there is movement on the camera, I will get a ping on my mobile

“What I saw was very strange. Actually my first thought was ‘oh my god, what’s that?’ Everyone who been working

The guard said the first footage appears to show something like a “light-sabre” flashing across the lens “but the edges are so sharp and clear”
“It is definitely weird, but then there’s some weird tales about this place, which is why ghost-hunters want to keep coming down here.”
Read Full Story: Plymouth Herald UK